Friday, November 23, 2007

Posting by kj "Condiment Coordination" Posted October 21, 2007 by Neal Whitman

Although I admire the mind power this type of word coordination and this topic uses, it makes my head spin! It is like an algebra equation for writing/speaking. LOL. I am sure with practice this word coordination would be easily recognized, but until today, I had no idea it even existed. Of course, now that I have been exposed to it, I unwillingly will start recognizing all the word coordination mix-ups that my children will offer me on a daily basis.

by kj


jamie w said...

I read the article on the Literal Mind and wow. How can someone read so much into this. I can think of thousands of words and phrases like the one's mentioned in this article. Often these type of mix-ups or misinterpretings are heard from children who don't yet have the grammar skills as an adult would. I'm not saying adults don't do this, because believe me, I am sure I have. And I have a 3 year old at home who does this all of the time. I do catch her and try to correct her, but to her, I'm nuts because I am saying the same thing she is while correcting her- in her mind anyways.

Erica Hanson said...

Good points.