Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week 7: Communication competence

Describe someone you know (a mentor, family member, boss, co-worker, teacher, friend) who is a good communicator. Explain what you think this person does that makes him or her a good communicator. Be specific. For example, my father was a good communicator. He listened carefully, he thought before he spoke, and he did not digress from the main topic.


Rebecca Solfest said...

My best freind's grandfather is a good communicator from what I have witnessed. When I go up to visit her at her grandfather's home, I find that he likes to talk a lot. He gives us all advise on certain things, but he always thinks before he speaks.
When he goes to tell us something, he will pause for a minute to gather his thoughts and such, and then let it all out. Whith him, you could be stuck in a conversation for a long time! I know because it has happened to me!

Brittany Rihn said...

My mother is a good communicator. She has done many presentations at her work and has taught some classes, as well as student taught. She listens to the whole thing, not just bits and pieces. She doesn't judge before she arrives, and takes in both sides before she makes her decisions. She also never goes away from the main point and makes sure she gets her point across and leaves time for you to state your views.

Heather Baldwin said...

My father is one of the best communicators I know. With him being a teacher, he has to have good public speaking skills. He has the ability to listen and process what is being said, while keeping an open mind. He usually always thinks before he speaks and generally stays on the topic until we are both satisfied that it has been fully discussed. When you are in a conversation with him you know he is paying attention to you by his eye contact and gestures or head nods.

Tara H. said...

My Step father was a very good communicator. He always took his time when he talked and was very patient when he listened. He was a very good listener and alway had good advice to give. He was a very knowledgeable man who I would always call if I had any question or concerns about something.

michael said...

Well I would have to say my mom. She will go slow when explaning what she wants you to understand. My mom is always open to feedback. Witch makes it easer for anyone to understand what she is looking for and expects. Clear words and never strays from her intent.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

MY Mother is a very good communicator. She is a very nosey woman; however, she continually tried to convince each of us kids that in order to be well rounded you needed to be well spoken. She taught us a lot about communication because she would sit down and teach us that each person has their own way of understanding what you say. Also she would lecture us for hours about watching what we say to people and how to say it correctly. She has taught my children this also and everyone who meets them says that they are very well spoken for their young ages. She knows how to listen properly also which helps our communications also.

Ryan J said...

I would have to say that my mom is an excellent communicator. She would always be willing to listen to anything that I had to say and never be too busy to sit down and talk to me. She never got mad if there was a problem that I was going through or get mad at me when something was wrong. Her ability to listen and focus on the conversation makes it easy to comunicate with her. She always welcomes feedback and I don't have to wonder if she is really listening to me. She has always been a good communicator.

Rita C. said...

One of the best people who I believe is a good communicator would have to be my youngest son. The main reason for this is that he is very direct. He makes his points to people so that there isn’t any doubt as to what he is trying to say. He’s not rude about it, he just like to make sure that people will understand him the very first time he says something. He really likes to keep most of his conversations very simple and concise. He doesn’t have to go into a lot of detail in order to make his point clear to others. I wish I was a little bit more like this myself at times.

Pamela Johnson said...

My father is the best speaker I know. He is very intelligent, listens to you , thinks about what he is going to or wants to say, and speaks very clearly and loud.I love listening to him and I could do it for hours.